I really should write something. But what?
Leah graduated from UNH cum laude last weekend. I need to send her a card or something.
Evan is sick with a cold. Poor Evan. So I'm taking all kinds of preemptive meds. Maybe he's feeling better today.
Mom is back to working full-time as a minister to cover for her friend's sabbatical at the congregational church. She had a cold last weekend, too. Her birthday is next weekend.
Jonny has been drafted into playing drums for Choate's musical, which is No No Nannette or something. Poor Mr. Tines really wants to do the racy stuff, but I think he keeps getting into trouble. Two Gentlemen of Verona and Chicago, then The Sound of Music and The King and I... another racy one, then a tame classic. Tines is going to transfer to some arts school in the South, I think.
My rotation is almost finished. I just have through the 31st. Then I have two weeks to write a report, but I don't think I have anything to report. I tried cloning a bunch of stuff, and much of it seems to have worked, but I have no data. No numbers. No graphs. No figures. I could include scans of gels, but that's really it. I pity the person who will have to read what I write.
I'm going to play church most of the Sundays in summer, which is cool by me. And Michael says I can practice at his church, the Presbyterian one across the street.
Back to maxipreps.
3 weeks ago